Stock professionals at your side

A structured company

We are a solid and structured company. M&A Export employs more than 25 professionals divided between the purchasing, sales, marketing, administration and logistics departments.

Our purchasing and sales staff have extensive language skills: they speak Italian, English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic. In this way we can support partners and customers wherever they are in the world, ensuring a successful and long-lasting partnership;

We create an ongoing relationship with fashion manufacturers and distributors as well as with traders, acting as a genuine benchmark. We offer the possibility to contractualise the partnership over time, and anyone who decides to work with us has a designated person who assists them from start to finish.


Alex Mazzurco


Davide Ricupero

Team Manager

Sales department

Alona Dereklieieva

English, Russian

Elena Aprofirei

Spanish, English, Romanian

Bessem Tabarki

French, Arabic

Elia Sanfilippo


Purchasing department

Alec Shyich

Italian, English, Russian, German

Giuseppe Stabile

Italian, English


Lorenzo Periccioli

Warehouse manager


Elena Acella
